Thursday, June 2, 2011

A few sketches

 Girl in Bronze, Pencil on Paper (12" x 8")

Ceramic Doll #1, Pencil on Paper (8" x 6")

Ceramic Statue, Pencil on Paper (12" x 8")

A couple of years ago I was really frustrated with the negligible progress I was making with my art. That was when I had the good fortune to be advised by one of Hyderabad's leading artists, Mr. Sanjay Ashtaputre about the virtues of sketching. I took his advice seriously and decided to concentrate only on sketching for some time. I did more than 800 sketches of all sizes and in different media in the next three months. Here are a few of those, all still lives.
Thank you so much for stopping by.


Carol Blackburn said...

Lovely sketches, Vinayak. He gave you some good advice.

Sketch Gurl said...

Wonderful sketches. I am amazed you did 800 sketches. That must have been a goos exercise.

V. Deshmukh said...

Thanks Carol and Sketch Gurl.