Friday, April 1, 2011

Nagpur Station: Monochrome Study

Signalman's Cabin, Watercolour on paper (11" x 15")

Its been some time since I have painted anything. Its been my experience that spending a week away from your brushes can make your watercolour skills completely disown you. I have been really busy lately and so thought I might get back to painting with a monochrome study that will let me concentrate on values without bothering about the colours. 

I have had a fascination with railways and everything associated with it. This was done from aa quick sketch done at Nagpur station while waiting for our train.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


Pragya Tiwari said...

Beautiful value contrasts. I love the simplicity of the painting.

Pat said...

Beautiful sketch xx

Crystal Cook said...

Wow, I really like that Vinayak. :) It is SO true about our watercolor skills isn't it? I think the hardest part is convincingg yourself to sit down and paint sometimes because your know you haven't practiced so surely whatever you paint won't be as good as you hope. But that isn't always true, it's all in our head I think. I love the mood with this sketch, it's lovely work.

Carol Blackburn said...

This is so beautiful, Vinayak...I do love the monochrome. I was thinking of trying this with some dried hydrangeas from my yard. It would be a challenge.

V. Deshmukh said...

Thank you so much Pragya, Pat, Crystal and Carol. Hope to get back into the groove soon.

Sandeep Khedkar said...

This is very good work!

Anonymous said...

Very nice, full of atmosphere... May I ask what pigment/paint you used?

Kris K.